Public transport

  • Public bus transport services offer services on a wide range of routes throughout the country.

  • Public transport rail services are operated by Iarnrod Eireann, a State company. Information about services, routes, fares and accessibility.

  • Information on the Luas Light Rail Transit system.

  • Information about Local Link buses linking towns and villages in rural Ireland and other rural transport options available.

  • What is the difference between a taxi, hackney, and limousine? Information about how taxis calculate fares, where to complain and the standards you should expect.

  • Information on public transport accessibility services for people with a disability or reduced mobility.

  • The TaxSaver Commuter Ticket Scheme, which involves employers providing employees with bus and rail commuter tickets, allows employees to benefit from reduced tax, PRSI and USC payments and for employers to benefit from reduced PRSI payments.