Payments for older and retired people

  • The State Pension (Non-Contributory), previously called the Old Age Non-Contributory Pension, is a means-tested payment for people in Ireland aged 66 and over.

  • From 1 January 2025, if you apply for the State Pension (Contributory), there is a new way of calculating your rate of payment.

  • The State Pension (Contributory), previously called the old age pension, is paid to people aged 66 and over, who have worked and paid enough social insurance contributions. This page is for people who were born before 1 January 1959 and did not defer claiming their State Pension (Contributory).

  • You can start to claim your State Pension (Contributory) at any age between 66 and 70. This page explains who can defer (delay) their State Pension (Contributory), rates for different age groups, and how to apply.

  • You can choose to get the State Pension (Contributory) at age 66 or you can defer it up to age 70. This page shows you to calculate your State Pension (Contributory) if you chose to defer.

  • You may get a pro-rata pension if you have a mixed insurance record, for example, if you worked in both the public service and private sector.

  • Entitlements to state payments of people who retire early, whether through redundancy or by choosing early retirement and the measures they should take to ensure they retain entitlement to long-term pensions

  • If you retire at 65, you may qualify for a benefit payment until you reach 66. The payment is similar to Jobseeker’s Benefit, but you don’t need to be looking for work or sign on at your local Intreo centre.

  • The Centenarian Bounty is a payment given to people resident in Ireland and certain Irish citizens living abroad when they reach the age of 100.

  • Life Event Document Find out about payments for older people and see a broader checklist of schemes and benefits available.