This page explains how to claim a social welfare payment and where you can get help to fill in the application form.
The MyWelfare website lets you to apply online for social welfare payments and other services. You need a MyGovID account to access online welfare services.
You can get an increase in your social welfare payment for a child dependant called a Child Support Payment (previously called an Increase for a Qualified Child). This page explains when you can claim a Child Support Payment (CSP).
You can get an increase in your social welfare payment for your adult dependant. This document explains who qualifies as an adult dependant.
In general, you must apply for a social welfare payment within a set time limit. This page explains how to make a late application and get your payment backdated.
Find out which social welfare payments are taxable, and which payments are not.
See examples of how social welfare payments are taxed, such as Maternity Benefit, Jobseeker’s Benefit, and Illness Benefit.
A change in your circumstances can affect your entitlement to a social welfare payment. See examples of how changes can affect your payment.
It is generally only possible to claim one social welfare assistance or insurance based payment at a time. However, in certain circumstances you may qualify for your social welfare payment and half of another payment. Find out more.
The Department of Social Protection recoups overpayments of social welfare benefits and entitlements. Find out how overpayments are collected
The Household Budget Scheme aims to help people getting certain social welfare payments to spread the cost of household bills throughout the year. Find out if you qualify and how to apply.
Outlines the social welfare payments that will continue to be paid if you go abroad. It also lists the payments that will not be paid if you go abroad.
Find out how social welfare payments are paid.
Combining social insurance contributions paid in Ireland and abroad can help you qualify for a social welfare payment. Find out more.