This page has information on housing, taxes, and social welfare that will help you plan your return to Ireland from the United States. Find out what you can do before and after you arrive in Ireland.
If you’re an Irish citizen returning from the United Kingdom, this page can provide you with information on topics including UK pensions, healthcare, and housing. There is also information on this page about education and finding work in Ireland.
This page can help you if you are currently living in Canada and planning to come back to Ireland. The information focuses on areas like taxes, social welfare, housing, and other practical considerations.
Irish citizens living in Australia will find details on this page about topics that will help them plan a return to Ireland. Areas covered include Irish and Australian taxes, social welfare benefits, exchanging a driver’s licence, and finding a place to live once you are back.
This page is for Irish citizens currently living in New Zealand and who are planning to return to Ireland. Details about exchanging your New Zealand driver’s licence are here, as well as information about taxation, social welfare benefits, housing, and healthcare.
Returning Irish citizens from within the EU will find information on this page about employment, taxation, and driving licences. In addition, there are details about healthcare, education, and housing in Ireland.