Income support for asylum seekers

What income supports can asylum seekers get?

International protection applicants (also known as asylum seekers) living in direct provision can get a Daily Expenses Allowance (DEA).

You can also apply for an Additional Needs Payment, if you have essential needs that you cannot pay for from your weekly DEA payment. For example, you might get help to buy school uniforms for your children.

If you have children and you have permission to work and are in employment, you may qualify for a Working Family Payment.

You cannot get other social welfare payments such as Disability Allowance, One-Parent Family Payment or Jobseeker’s Allowance.

What is the Daily Expenses Allowance?

The Daily Expenses Allowance (DEA), is a weekly social welfare payment paid to asylum seekers living in direct provision. It is paid by the Department of Social Protection.

To get the DEA, your income must be under a certain amount – see ‘DEA income test’ below.

The maximum DEA weekly rate in 2024 is:

  • €38.80 for each adult
  • €29.80 for each child

If IPAS is unable to provide you with accommodation, you will get a temporary increase of €75 in your DEA. This means your DEA will increase from €38.80 a week to €113.80 a week.

Income test for the Daily Expenses Allowance

From June 2024, the Department of Social Protection (DSP) will check that you continue to qualify for the DEA, if you are:

  • Age 18 or over and
  • Getting an income for 12 weeks or more

The 12 weeks does not need to be consecutive.

Income includes pay from a job, self-employment and social welfare payments.

How your income can affect your DEA payment

The first €60 per week of income is not taken into account.

60% of any income above €60 is taken into account and your DEA payment is reduced by that amount.

If your DEA is reduced or stopped, it will not affect the DEA payment to your other family members.

Your weekly income Daily Expenses Allowance (DEA)
€60 or less No change to DEA
€61 - €124 Reduced rate of DEA
€125 or more DEA payment will stop

If you are getting a DEA and have additional income, you should email

Moving your DEA payment to new accommodation

If you are moved to new IPAS accommodation, you can get your DEA transferred to your nearest Post Office. To transfer your DEA, contact the Community Welfare Services national phone line on 0818 60 70 80.

Find out how to apply for a Daily Expenses Allowance.

Other supports


While you are in direct provision, you can get a medical card. This gives you and your family free doctor (GP) appointments, free hospital care in public hospitals and prescriptions for a low cost.


You can find out more about the education and English language supports for asylum seekers.

Further information and contacts

International Protection Accommodation Service

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Miesian Plaza
Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 418 3200
Fax: +353 1 418 3271

State Pension (Non-contributory)

Department of Social Protection

College Road
F91 T384

Tel: 0719157100 or 0818 200 400
Page edited: 18 November 2024