Water charges for group schemes

What are group water schemes?

If your home is not connected to a public water supply, you may get your water from a group water scheme. Group water schemes operate in rural areas that are outside the scope of urban public mains systems.

Usually, group schemes are established in areas where the local authority does not intend to install a water supply system in the near future, or at all. Some members of group water schemes must pay for their water use. Read more about group water schemes in our page on water supply.

Recent changes to charges for public group water schemes

On 1 October 2024, new charges for public group water schemes were introduced. These new charges apply until 30 September 2025. Find out more about these new charges below.

If your bill significantly increases because of these new charges, you may qualify to have your bill capped.

To see how these new charges might affect you, you can use the Business Tariff Calculator . For questions about paying charges, customer categorisation, or help with Water Services, contact Uisce Éireann or visit their website.

Types of group water schemes

In Ireland, there are two types of group water schemes:

  • Public group water schemes
  • Private group water schemes

These schemes operate and are managed differently.

Public group water schemes

Public group water schemes get their water from a public water supply owned by Uisce Éireann. The public group water scheme then distributes the water through their own local network that is owned and operated by the group.

Public group water schemes are divided into 2 types of connections:

  • Directly billed public group water schemes
  • Bulk meter public group water schemes

Public group water schemes that are directly billed

Public group water scheme members that are billed directly by Uisce Éireann include:

  • Members with non-domestic properties
  • Members with mixed-use properties (properties that are used as a business and as a home)

These connections are generally metered and charged non-domestic tariff rates by Uisce Éireann. This includes standing charges, volumetric charges and any applicable tariff.

Public group water schemes that use a bulk meter

Bulk meter public group water schemes have a single bulk meter where the group water scheme connects with the public water network. These group water schemes buy treated water from Uisce Éireann at the connection point. They then distribute this water through their own private water distribution systems to their members. The scheme is the customer of Uisce Éireann and they are billed for the volume of water that passes through the bulk meter. The scheme then recovers the costs of running the scheme from its members.  

Bulk meter public group water schemes can include:

  • Homes
  • Businesses
  • Mixed-use properties (properties that are used as a business and as a home)

Uisce Éireann charges the group water scheme for the water it supplies. When calculating the charge Uisce Éireann uses non-domestic tariff rates and gives an allowance for each home in the scheme.

This group water scheme then charges the members in the scheme. It charges businesses and mixed-use customers rates, which include standing charges, volumetric charges and any applicable tariff.

The group water scheme gives each home and mixed-use property a domestic allowance. You are charged for the water you use which is above the allowance.

Mixed-use connections

Mixed-use connections that are directly billed by Uisce Éireann and those that use bulk meters qualify for a domestic allowance. This means they only pay for water used above the domestic allowance. The allowance amount can vary based on the type of scheme you are in.

To learn more about the charges and tariff bands for group water schemes visit Uisce Éireann Water Charges Plan.

Private group water schemes

Private group water schemes get their water supply from local sources, treat it, and deliver it to homes themselves. This means Uisce Éireann has no ownership over the scheme.

Charges for domestic users in private group water schemes

Members of a private group water schemes, where water comes from a private source such as a well or lake, must pay the group water scheme for their water.

Local authorities give an annual subsidy for each house in a private group scheme, like with public group water schemes. However, the subsidy for a private group scheme is higher, as private water supplies, have more costs, such as filtration and disinfection.

Charges for non-domestic users in private group water schemes

Non-domestic water users who are members of a private group water scheme can either:

  • Have a meter fixed to their premises to monitor their water usage
  • Have an annual fixed rate charge applied for their property and pay for the water they use

The fixed rate charge is usually set at the group water schemes annual general meeting. You can find more details about water charges for businesses on our website.

What happens if I can’t pay my water bills?

Group water schemes are responsible for monitoring themselves. If a member does not pay their annual water bill, the group and its board members must handle the issue. The local authority cannot get involved as it has no authority over the operational costs of the scheme.

If you have difficulty paying your bills, you might be able to get a hardship waiver. A hardship waiver means that your bill is waived or reduced. This waiver may be available if you are in a group water scheme that:

  • Bills its non-domestic members directly
  • Operates as a co-operative (owned and run solely by its members)

The board members of your group scheme decide when charges can be waived or reduced. If you are in a private group scheme and you are finding it difficult to make your payments, you should discuss this with the board members of the group.

If you are in a public water scheme and are directly billed by Uisce Éireann, you should contact Uisce Éireann to discuss your options, if you have trouble paying your bills.

For further information about paying water charges as a non-domestic member of group water schemes visit our page about water charges for businesses.

Useful contacts

National Federation of Group Water Schemes

24 Old Cross Square
H18 NX30

Tel: +353 (0)47 72766

Uisce Éireann Customer Care |Team

PO Box 860
South City Delivery office
Cork City

Opening Hours: Lines open 24 hours 7 days a week
Tel: (01) 707 2828
Locall: 1850 278 278

Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage

Custom House
Dublin 1
D01 W6X0

Tel: (01) 888 2000
Locall: 1890 202 021
Page edited: 10 March 2025