What is MyGovID?

MyGovID provides a single login that you can use to access a range of public services in Ireland.

To use some online public services, you have to create a MyGovID account.

Other services are available online without a MyGovID account but, if you have a MyGovID login, you can use it to access them.

There are two types of MyGovID account:

Basic MyGovID account

To register for a basic MyGovID account, you just need an email address.

You can access some Government services using a basic MyGovID account, including:

Verified MyGovID account

A verified account is a more secure type of MyGovID account that lets you access all the services available on MyGovID.

Each time you log in to your verified MyGovID account, you will be asked to enter a verification code that is sent to your mobile phone. This 2-step authentication process makes your account more secure.

A verified MyGovID is required to make an online application:

A verified MyGovID is not required, but can be used, to:

You can read the full list of services available on the MyGovID website.

How to apply for a basic MyGovID account

To create your basic MyGovID account:

  • Go to the MyGovID sign-up page
  • Enter your email address and create a password
  • Click ‘Register now’

A code will be sent to your email address which you will need to enter on screen to complete your basic account registration.

Once you have activated your MyGovID account, you can log into your basic account. You will see a list of online services.

How to apply for a verified MyGovID account

If you have a basic MyGovID account, you can upgrade it to a verified MyGovID account.

You can apply online for a verified MyGovID account if you have a:

You can also use the app and in-person options below.

If you do not have a PSC, you can apply:

If you do not have a PPS number, find out how to apply for a PPS number.

Page edited: 24 February 2025