Checklist: information for self-employed people


If you are self-employed and have had a downturn in business and a reduction in your income you can use the links and lists below to check out your entitlements.

Setting up a business

Becoming self-employed and Setting up a business give you a broad overview of the factors involved in setting up a business, including information on types of self-employment, tax, PRSI, legal issues and sources of support.

Supports for unemployed people Back to Work Enterprise Allowance

Short-term Enterprise Allowance

Problems with self-employment If you are no longer earning enough from self-employment, or your business has to close down, you may qualify for a social welfare payment. You do not need to deregister as self-employed to get a payment.
Getting a social welfare payment Jobseeker's Benefit (Self-Employed) (for people with sufficient PRSI contributions)

Jobseeker's Allowance

Claiming for an adult dependant

Claiming for a child dependant

Signing on for the first time

Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme Additional Needs Payments
Maintaining your social insurance record Becoming a voluntary contributor

Signing on for credits (in some cases self-employed people may be able to sign for credited PRSI contributions)

Getting credit is a website for small businesses looking for information about financing or funding their business.

If you have a small or medium business and your application for credit is refused you may be able to apply to the Credit Review Office to have your case reviewed.

Checking your employment status

Code of Practice for determining Employment or Self- Employment status of Individuals (pdf)

Revenue Guidelines for Determining Employment Status for Taxation Purposes (pdf)

Understanding your employment status

Education and training Back to Education Programme

Back to Education Allowance

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme

Employment support schemes There are a number of schemes to support people who are unemployed and want to get back to work.
Other sources of information Local Enterprise Offices

The Revenue Commissioners

The Companies Registration Office

Toil and Trouble: A Guide to Self-Employment (2009) (pdf)

Page edited: 10 June 2024