Third-level courses and mature students

What is a mature student?

You are normally a mature student if you are:

  • At least 23 years of age on 1 January the year you start your course, and
  • You are starting college for the first time

Sometimes, if you started but didn’t finish your course, you can still be considered a mature student if you are aged 23 or over. However, you won’t get a student grant unless you have completed a full break in studies of at least 5 years. You should contact the Admissions Office in the college where you want to study for information about entering as a mature student because different colleges have different requirements and entry routes.

Depending on your course and circumstances, as a mature student you may qualify for a student grant or help with fees (see ‘University access programmes’ and ‘Fees for mature students’ below).

Study options for mature students

Full-time study

Third-level colleges reserve a small number of places for mature students who want to do a full-time course.

This means that you will compete for your place on a different basis to those who are just leaving school. The number of places reserved for mature students is limited.

If you choose a full-time course, you will be expected to attend classes or lectures every day and you will be assessed in the same way as the other students on your course.

Many colleges and universities hold information events for people who want to study as mature students. The Qualifax website has a calendar of career events that take place during the year.

Part-time options

If you don’t want to study full-time, there are other options available including:

  • Part-time courses
  • Modular programmes
  • Distance learning, online courses and hybrid courses

If you choose to study on a part-time or modular basis, you can spread your studies over a number of years. This gives you the opportunity to organise your time and to study when it is most convenient for you.

It will take longer to complete than a full-time course, but it has the advantage that it allows you to work at your own pace, gradually building credits towards your qualification. Credits measure the amount of work needed to complete a course, and credits earned represent the progress you have made towards getting a degree.

Modular programmes

A modular programme is made up of separate modules (self-contained units within a course). You can study and complete each module separately at different stages during that course.

Modular programmes can take place in a classroom setting or in a blended or online setting. Modular courses are available at degree level in some universities.

Distance learning, online courses and hybrid courses

Traditional distance learning takes place away from a physical classroom. There is no tutor and you learn at your own pace. An example of traditional distance learning is a correspondence course, where you receive the course materials by post and study in your own time.

Online courses and learning platforms are different. Some courses can be accessed without a tutor at any time (for example, LinkedIn Learning courses). Others follow the traditional model of a tutor holding classes and modules online that you can attend remotely from home or elsewhere.

Some distance learning and online courses have a blended option, sometimes called a hybrid course, where you can choose to attend in person or remotely. A hybrid course usually requires some in-person attendance. Students may also come together to study for a day, a weekend, or a week at a time depending on the course requirements.

The terms distance learning and online, blended and hybrid can be used by colleges interchangeably, so be sure to check with your chosen college to find out exactly how they run their courses.

University access programmes

University access programmes aim to increase the participation of under-represented groups at third-level. They support young adults and mature students to study at third-level colleges.

You may qualify for a student grant if you are attending an access or foundation course on the Department of Education’s approved list.

If you are getting a social welfare payment, you may be able to take part in an access or foundation course and get the Back to Education Allowance.

You should check access programmes with the higher education institution of your choice or your local Education and Training Board.

College entry requirements for mature students

Generally, you will need to have completed your Leaving Certificate to attend third level education. However, if you are applying for a place as a mature student, you will not be asked to meet the usual entry requirements.

Different courses have different entry procedures. Usually, colleges will consider your:

  • Educational background
  • Work history
  • Community involvement
  • Other achievements and interests

This system is known as the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Course providers can use APEL or RPL to let you enter a course or give you exemptions from parts of a course based on your previous learning and experience.

It is useful to find out whether the college of your choice uses the APEL or RPL system before you apply.

You can find more information about mature student entry requirements for full-time undergraduate courses on the Qualifax website.

In some cases, you may be asked to take an entrance exam.

Fees for mature students

Full-time study

If you qualify for the Free Fees Initiative, you will not have to pay fees in a publicly-funded college.

If you qualify for the Student Grant Scheme, you may get all or part of your student contribution paid. If you’re doing certain part-time undergraduate courses, you may qualify for a fee contribution through the part-time fee scheme.

You can read about applying for the student grant as a mature student on the SUSI website.

If you are returning to education and have been getting a social welfare payment, you may qualify for the Back to Education Allowance or the Student Grant depending on your circumstances. If you are eligible for both, you should check which you would be better off applying for.

You can apply for tax relief if you are paying for the course from your own income, or another person can claim the tax relief if they are paying fees on your behalf. To qualify for the tax relief on your fees, your course must be an approved course at an approved college.

Part-time, modular and distance education

You usually have to pay fees for all part-time, modular and distance education courses. The costs vary from course to course. However, you may apply for tax relief if you are participating on an approved course.

A new scheme to provide SUSI funding for the 2024-25 academic year is available for students on specified part-time undergraduate courses. The Part-Time Fees Scheme opened for applications on 1 August 2024. Students should apply via the SUSI website. A list of the courses eligible for 2024-2025 is available.

Applying for college as a mature student

If you are applying for a course in a higher education institution, you should first contact the college directly about their application requirements.

The Admissions Office or Mature Students Officer will have information about any specific requirements or extra information you need to provide when applying for your course.

You will be in competition with other mature students for a place on the course, so make sure to include as much detail as possible regarding your educational background, work experience and other interests.

Applying through the CAO as a mature student

They will tell you if you need to submit an application directly to the institution or use the CAO application process, or both.

If the institution wants you to apply through the CAO and you wish to be assessed as a mature student, you must register on the CAO system before 1 February of the year you plan to start your course. If you apply before 20 January there is a discounted application fee of €30. The normal fee €45.

Most higher education institutions will not consider your mature student application if you apply using the ‘Late Application’ or ‘Change of Mind’ facilities on the CAO portal.

The CAO has detailed information on applying to college as a mature student.

Applying for university access programmes, part-time courses, tertiary education programmes or post-leaving certificate courses

You should contact your chosen university or local Education and Training Board (ETB) for information about university access programmes and part-time courses. You can also get information on entry routes for mature students for universities online.

The tertiary education programme is a new way to get a degree at third level. Students can enrol in a further education institution before progressing to a higher education institution to complete their fully-accredited degree. All courses lead to a degree at Level 7 or 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). If you are applying through the tertiary education programme, you can apply directly through the courses page of the National Tertiary Office website.

If you are applying for a post-leaving certificate (PLC), you should contact your local ETB for information.

Applying to private colleges

You can apply directly to private colleges for full-time, part-time and post- graduate courses.

More information

You can read more about applying as a mature student in the CAO’s information sheet (pdf).

You can also find a list of college website pages and student support officers for mature students on the CAO website.

Central Applications Office

Tower House
Eglinton Street

Opening Hours: Office Hours 9:30-17:00
Tel: (091) 509 800
Fax: (091) 562 344
Page edited: 13 September 2024