Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

What is the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme?

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a Leaving Certificate with a strong vocational focus. It is an alternative option in the Senior Cycle to the established Leaving Certificate.

The LVCP focusses on developing students' practical skills for the world of work alongside their academic subjects.

LCVP students must take:

  • 5 established Leaving Certificate subjects including Irish – these subjects can be at Higher, Ordinary or Foundation level
  • 2 link modules on enterprise education and preparation for work

If you are exempt from Irish, you must choose another subject to ensure you have 5 established Leaving Certificate subjects.

The Department of Education has published the assessment arrangements for Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle examinations in 2025 (pdf), including the LCVP.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme subjects and assessments

The link modules

Students must take 2 link modules:

  • Preparation for the world of work
  • Enterprise education

The link modules are activity-based and are taken over the 2 years of the programme.

The 2 modules usually take a total of 2 to 3 class periods per week, compared with a Leaving Certificate subject, which generally takes 4 to 5 class periods in a week.

The link modules help students to apply the knowledge and skills they gain through their chosen subjects with the world outside the school.

Assessment and examinations

The Leaving Certificate subjects are examined through the standard Leaving Certificate examination.

The link modules are assessed by:

  • A written examination representing 40% of total marks
  • A portfolio of coursework representing 60% of total marks


Students receive the same certificate as other Leaving Certificate students, but their Leaving Certificate includes an additional statement of the results of the link modules (pass, merit or distinction).

Can I go to college with the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme?

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) gives students the same opportunity to proceed to universities, colleges and higher education as the students taking the established Leaving Certificate.

A new grading scheme for the Leaving Certificate was introduced in 2017. The new scheme means that the Common Points Scale used by the CAO to determine entry into higher education institutions has also been revised.

Since 2017, institutes of technology and the universities recognise the link modules as follows:

  • Distinction: 66 points (80-100%)
  • Merit: 46 points (65-79%)
  • Pass: 28 points (50-64%)

Leaving Certificate exam fee

There is no exam fee for the Leaving Certificate exam in 2025.

Mock exams

The State Examinations Commission is not responsible for mock exams. If your school is charging for mock exams, this is likely to cover the cost of the exam papers and/or getting them corrected externally.

How to apply for the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

If you are a post-primary school student, your details will be sent to the State Examinations Commission (SEC) by your school.

If you are an external (non-school) candidate for the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, you can apply online by completing the application form available on the SEC website.

More information

Read more about the LCVP, including more on the programme modules and requirements, in the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Statement (pdf).

State Examinations Commission


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Fax: (090) 644 2744
Page edited: 10 October 2024